Sunday, June 19, 2011

McAfee Knob

Brandon is on the trail . . . again! Taylor (his brother) and I dropped him off in Catawba, VA (700 miles north of Springer Mt., GA) on Friday, June 17th --- right where his girlfriend, Michelle, picked him up 3 weeks earlier on Friday, May 27th. We watched with awe and admiration as Brandon methodically prepared to head out on the trail --- checking his pack, adjusting straps and hiking poles, etc. I could just imagine him going through these purposeful and adept movements each and every morning for the last 700 miles. He looked as if he had the routine down to a science and could probably do it in his sleep!

3.7 miles northward, Brandon arrived at McAfee Knob the most photographed vista on the Appalachian Trail. McAfee Knob has an elevation of 1,740 feet and an almost 270 degree view of the Catawba Valley and North Mountain to the West, Tinker Cliffs to the North, and the Roanoke Valley to the East. The picture above is Brandon sitting on the edge!

Brandon seems to be doing well and is happy to be back out on the trail. The severe storms that plagued the first part of his trip are continuing to impede his daily mileage. He seemed disappointed today that he had to cut his hike short of the 20 miles he had hoped for and settle for 14. El Perro is itching to get some major miles under his belt and cross the VA border. We're all wishing you blue skies and safe travels!

A few pictures of Brandon heading out and from McAfee Knob.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Next Stop Maine.

So for those of y’all still checking in on me I’ll start with an apology for the lack of maintenance on the site over the last few weeks (you have my word this will never happen again). Fear not though loyal followers after two weeks of running water, air condition, cable television, and high gas prices I am packing up once more and hitting the trail. I returned home at the beginning of June for my younger brother’s high school graduation. Also while home to ensure that my hemorrhaging bank account would in fact see me to Maine I choose to work a little (thanks again to both my employers for allowing me to come and go so freely). I will be returning to Catawba, VA where I left off at the beginning of June and continuing North. Catawba is exactly 700 miles from the start of Springer Mountain, GA… so for those of you who are still counting that only leaves me with a mere 1,480 miles.  While I was at home I enjoyed spending time with family and catching up with friends, but my feet have yet to stop itching to get back on the trail. To say that I’m excited to get back on the trail would be an understatement. In the upcoming weeks I’m looking forward to putting Virginia behind me and also hitting the unofficial half-way point at Harpers Ferry where the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) head quarters is located. With very little excitement to report on since I’ve been home for nearly half the month I decided to upload the rest of the pictures I had taken in between Hot Springs, NC and where I left the trail in VA. So again to all of you out there still checking in and keeping up I appreciate all the support and again I apologize for the brief neglect of the blog. Click the link below to see the pictures.

From The Trail Part-2 Hot Springs, NC - Catawba, VA

Enjoy the pictures and check back soon,

El Perro  Out