Monday, July 4, 2011

A Note From Brandon's Sister, Mallory

El Perro has put in some serious miles his first week back on the AT. Record-breaking 194.4 miles! Let's all take a moment and say, "WooHoo El Perro!! Way to go!!" He is definitely rocking those miles!

On Thursday, June 23rd a very tired and accomplished El Perro called me from Rockfish Gap Shelter. (Let me just say I was so happy to hear from him! That was the first time I had heard from him in a week!) We had the best 20 minute conversation! He talked about the weather . . . hot, humid, rainy . . . repeat. Mentioned he was a little sore, but not too bad. He met a couple of guys from Tennessee who started the AT back in May and were at the point El Perro was on June 17th! (Just goes to tell you how the ridiculous storms that El Perro had at the beginning postponed him.) Also, El Perro mentioned there wasn't a fight to get to the shelters at night . . . a lot of folks have dropped out and just couldn't hang with Mother Nature. Still think YOU could get out there? My hand is down! Haha! Kudos to those of you who have conquered the AT!!

El Perro crossed into West Viginia on June 28th. I believe he was super pumped (and relieved) that Virginia was behind him! Virginia holds the most miles on the AT . . . about 550 miles. For El Perro to have those miles (and state) behind him is a HUGE accomplishment! El Perro crossed the border into Pennsylvania on Friday. Be sure to check the "Actual Mileage" spreadsheet (link is located at the top right of his blog) to keep up with where he is. We try to keep it updated even when we don't get something posted on his blog. So, check back often to see how far he has gotten!

AT Numbers:

1.129.1 miles to go!

8 more states to conquer!

10 lbs. (how much El Perro's beard weighs! hahaha I'm kidding! But seriously . . . )

2 feet (the same two that have brought him from GA to where he is today!)

2.5 million footsteps left (well honestly, I think he's running with all those miles he's doing!)

The total elevation gain of hiking the entire AT is equivalent to climbing Mt. Everest 16 times. (ummmmm whoa!)

Animal count so far . . . 2 tom turkeys (fighting!), tons of birds of all kinds (too many to count), snakes (including a rattlesnake and the biggest black snake he's ever seen!), tons of butterflies, chipmunks, lizards, a red salamander, and zero bears (thank GOD!)

El Perro: We wish you beautiful weather, clear skies and two strong legs to carry you closer to your dream of completing the AT! So very proud of you and how you ROCK each mile! Cheering you on! TEAM PERRO! Praying for you each and every day. Get ready for Maine! Until then --- love and hugs from your big sis, Mallory and family!

Click here to enjoy El Perro's AT journey: Part 1!

1 comment:

  1. Mallory, I LOVE the video!!! I just watched it again and thoroughly enjoyed it! (I watched it really quickly the first time.) Such a great way to show all Brandon's pictures! You did a great job putting it together!! Love, Mom
