Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fur Sure

I apologize for the long hiatus from blogging. But while we have all been marching away in the "Real World", Brandon has been continuing on the trail. Since the last blog post, El Perro has been digesting his half gallon of ice cream in one sitting by passing through all of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and soon to be completed with New York. I was able to talk to El Perro this afternoon whilst driving home from work. He even claims to have passed through New Jersey faster than I did in 2007, so he must be moving pretty quick. However, hiking fast is a double edged sword. Sure, the more miles you cover in one day, the more accomplished you feel, while on the other hand, the more miles you make, the shorter your journey becomes. Certainly, on a trip like this, it is the journey that is more important than the destination.

There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about my thru-hike. What a simple way to live. No boss, telling you what to do, no traffic jams, no commercial breaks. Just living. One with your environment, not a product of it. For those who don't fully understand what it is like to do what Brandon is doing, go on just a week long trip. If you can't do that, go on a weekend trip. And if you can't even do that, go on a day hike. Try and see just how many miles you can go from sun up to sun down.

Hiking 2,175 miles may not seem like the most enjoyable thing to do for many. But its not just about doing it for the simple pleasure of hiking. It makes you appreciate everything else exponentially more. A thru hike is a moving experience, and I applaud El Perro at his performance thus far. Recently he has experienced tired feet and a sore neck (possibly from an awkward nights rest), two things that can hinder your attitude and physical ability greatly. Yet Brandon continues on. As Brandon climbs up and down mountains, so too can a hikers emotions. Separated from loved ones, friends and family alike, it is definitely not easy being out there. Though I believe he knows just how grand of a task he is partaking in.

As Brandon travels through the final miles of New York, he will continue rocky, roller coaster terrain into the New England states of Connecticut, Massachusetts, as the gradient kicks back above 4,000' for the first time since central Virginia. Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine are by far the most remote states and in turn, the most rewarding. It is an old trail saying that when you get to the Upper New England and NorthEast states, you have hiked 80% of the trail and only done 20% of the work. It is true, the terrain is more difficult and harder, but tougher still has been El Perro's preparation to get there.

Alast, Brandon has also joined the Bear Club. One upping many by actually catching it all on video. The phrase "Ain't got pictures, ain't got nothing" cannot apply here. Sunday afternoon El Perro sent me a video of two cubs darting across the trail just in front of him. A blood pumping encounter to be sure.

Warpzilla Out

Monday, July 4, 2011

Halfway! 1090.5 Miles to Go!

Brandon arrived at the AT half-way marker on Saturday, July 2nd. It is tradition that once a thru-hiker passes the half way point that they stop at the Pine Grove General Store (the nearest covenience store) to take part in the "half gallon challenge" --- eating a half gallon of ice cream in a single sitting. And of course, Brandon was up for the challenge! His flavor of choice was neopolitan. Out of curiosity, I googled Hershey's neopolitan ice cream to get the nutritional information. According to Hershey's web site, a 1/2 cup serving contains 150 calories and 9 grams of fat. With a half gallon containing 16 1/2 cup servings, that brings the amount that Brandon consumed to a whopping 2,400 calories and 144 grams of fat!!! He said it took him an hour and a half to finish, but finish he did and earned his wooden spoon momento for the accomplishment!

Brandon has been putting in some serious miles over the last two weeks (almost 400 to be exact!). Arriving in Harpers Ferry, VA on June 28th, he was able to meet up with Scrub, a hiking buddy he had met on the trail before coming home. Brandon was really glad to be reunited with a familiar friend and he and Scrub continued to rack up the mileage this past week arriving in Duncannon, PA earlier today. They were enjoying one of Brandon's favorite "in town" meals (pizza) when I spoke with him and were planning to take a shuttle into Harrisburg, PA to watch a fireworks show later this evening. He seems excited to finally be able to put in more miles each day, even though his feet are starting to hurt a little more. A thousand miles is a LONG way to walk --- and Brandon gets to do it all over again! Only 1090.5 miles left to go to Katahdin, MA!

Check out pictures from Pennsylvania and Brandon's Half Gallon Challenge!

A Note From Brandon's Sister, Mallory

El Perro has put in some serious miles his first week back on the AT. Record-breaking 194.4 miles! Let's all take a moment and say, "WooHoo El Perro!! Way to go!!" He is definitely rocking those miles!

On Thursday, June 23rd a very tired and accomplished El Perro called me from Rockfish Gap Shelter. (Let me just say I was so happy to hear from him! That was the first time I had heard from him in a week!) We had the best 20 minute conversation! He talked about the weather . . . hot, humid, rainy . . . repeat. Mentioned he was a little sore, but not too bad. He met a couple of guys from Tennessee who started the AT back in May and were at the point El Perro was on June 17th! (Just goes to tell you how the ridiculous storms that El Perro had at the beginning postponed him.) Also, El Perro mentioned there wasn't a fight to get to the shelters at night . . . a lot of folks have dropped out and just couldn't hang with Mother Nature. Still think YOU could get out there? My hand is down! Haha! Kudos to those of you who have conquered the AT!!

El Perro crossed into West Viginia on June 28th. I believe he was super pumped (and relieved) that Virginia was behind him! Virginia holds the most miles on the AT . . . about 550 miles. For El Perro to have those miles (and state) behind him is a HUGE accomplishment! El Perro crossed the border into Pennsylvania on Friday. Be sure to check the "Actual Mileage" spreadsheet (link is located at the top right of his blog) to keep up with where he is. We try to keep it updated even when we don't get something posted on his blog. So, check back often to see how far he has gotten!

AT Numbers:

1.129.1 miles to go!

8 more states to conquer!

10 lbs. (how much El Perro's beard weighs! hahaha I'm kidding! But seriously . . . )

2 feet (the same two that have brought him from GA to where he is today!)

2.5 million footsteps left (well honestly, I think he's running with all those miles he's doing!)

The total elevation gain of hiking the entire AT is equivalent to climbing Mt. Everest 16 times. (ummmmm whoa!)

Animal count so far . . . 2 tom turkeys (fighting!), tons of birds of all kinds (too many to count), snakes (including a rattlesnake and the biggest black snake he's ever seen!), tons of butterflies, chipmunks, lizards, a red salamander, and zero bears (thank GOD!)

El Perro: We wish you beautiful weather, clear skies and two strong legs to carry you closer to your dream of completing the AT! So very proud of you and how you ROCK each mile! Cheering you on! TEAM PERRO! Praying for you each and every day. Get ready for Maine! Until then --- love and hugs from your big sis, Mallory and family!

Click here to enjoy El Perro's AT journey: Part 1!