Tuesday, April 12, 2011

View from first climb of the day!

Boy, am I jealous! I'm sitting here at work at my computer while Brandon is looking at that view!! Wish I was there!! Brandon is hoping to make Neels Gap today or tomorrow. Most of the folks he has been hiking along with are taking a "0 day" today. They had severe storms last night and hopefully all these clouds will be moving on out as the day passes. The weather is supposed to be cooler for the next few days which should make for easier hiking. (You can click on the picture above to open a larger version of this gorgeous view!)


  1. WOW! nice view bro! Hoping the weather clears up for ya!

    love you!
    Mal,Curt & BoMan

  2. The first of many! Can't wait to see the one from the top of Blood Mountain, which you should hit later today!

    Keep on Truckin',

